Pillar 1: Sustainable Rangeland and Natural Resource Management

Pastoralist communities in Northern Kenya depend heavily on rangelands for their livelihoods. However, these rangelands are under increasing pressure due to overgrazing, land degradation, and the impacts of climate change. Pillar 1 focuses on restoring and sustainably managing rangelands and other natural resources to support pastoralist livelihoods and promote environmental sustainability.

Objectives of Pillar 1:

  • Promote sustainable management of rangelands to prevent degradation and restore ecosystem health.
  • Strengthen community-based natural resource management systems.
  • Increase access to water resources for both human and livestock consumption.
  • Support biodiversity conservation to protect key species and ecosystems that are vital for maintaining the ecological balance of rangeland areas.

Key Strategies:

  1. Community-Led Rangeland Management: PAREDI works with pastoralist communities to develop and implement community-led rangeland management plans. These plans include rotational grazing systems, controlled access to water points, and measures to prevent overgrazing and soil erosion. By empowering local communities to take control of their natural resources, PAREDI ensures that rangeland management practices are sustainable and culturally appropriate.
  2. Sustainable Water Resource Management: Water scarcity is a critical issue in ASAL regions. PAREDI supports the development of water infrastructure such as boreholes, water pans, and shallow wells. These systems are designed to ensure year-round access to water for both humans and livestock, even during droughts. PAREDI also promotes the use of rainwater harvesting systems and water conservation practices.
  3. Restoration of Degraded Lands: To combat the effects of land degradation, PAREDI implements soil and water conservation measures, including the construction of terraces, check dams, and gabions to reduce soil erosion and improve water infiltration. In addition, PAREDI supports the re-vegetation of degraded areas through the planting of indigenous grasses and trees that improve soil fertility and provide fodder for livestock.
  4. Capacity Building in Natural Resource Governance: PAREDI works with traditional leaders and local government authorities to build their capacity in natural resource governance. This includes training on conflict resolution, sustainable land use practices, and the development of by-laws that regulate resource use.
  5. Conservation of Biodiversity and Wildlife: By promoting biodiversity conservation initiatives, PAREDI works alongside local governments and communities to protect endangered species, promote sustainable wildlife tourism, and engage in activities that preserve the natural ecosystem, thus contributing to livelihoods through eco-tourism.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Improved rangeland health and increased availability of pasture for livestock.
  • Enhanced community capacity to manage natural resources and prevent land degradation.
  • Increased water availability and improved water management systems in pastoralist areas.



Pillar 2: Sustainable Livelihoods, Market Systems, and Enterprise Development

Pillar 2 focuses on diversifying the livelihoods of pastoralist communities to reduce their dependence on livestock and increase their resilience to economic shocks. By strengthening market systems and promoting enterprise development, PAREDI aims to improve household incomes and create economic opportunities for marginalized groups, including women and youth.


Objectives of Pillar 2:

  • Promote the development of sustainable, alternative livelihoods for pastoralist communities.
  • Strengthen livestock market systems to increase income for pastoralist households.
  • Support the development of micro-enterprises and value chains that benefit women and youth.

Key Strategies:

  1. Alternative Livelihood Development: PAREDI promotes a range of alternative livelihoods that are well-suited to the ASAL context. These include beekeeping, poultry farming, leather processing, and artisanal crafts. PAREDI provides training and technical support to pastoralist households to help them diversify their income sources while reducing pressure on rangelands.
  2. Livestock Market Strengthening: Livestock remains a critical asset for pastoralist communities, and ensuring fair access to markets is key to improving incomes. PAREDI works to strengthen livestock value chains by improving access to market information, enhancing the quality of livestock products, and facilitating linkages with regional and national markets. PAREDI also advocates for the development of livestock markets in underserved areas.
  3. Women and Youth Enterprise Development: Recognizing the untapped potential of women and youth in pastoralist communities, PAREDI supports the establishment of micro-enterprises that provide economic opportunities for these groups. Through training, access to microfinance, and market linkages, PAREDI helps women and youth start businesses in sectors such as handicrafts, agro-processing, and small-scale trade.
  4. Improving Financial Inclusion: Many pastoralist communities have limited access to formal financial services, making it difficult for them to invest in productive activities. PAREDI works with financial institutions to develop tailored financial products for pastoralists, including savings groups, mobile banking services, and microcredit schemes. These initiatives help improve financial inclusion and enable pastoralists to access capital for business ventures.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Increased household incomes and reduced poverty levels in pastoralist communities.
  • Improved economic opportunities for women and youth.
  • Strengthened livestock markets that provide better returns for pastoralist producers.



Pillar 3: Pastoralist Education and Health for Resilience Building

Education and healthcare are critical components of resilience, particularly in remote pastoralist areas where access to basic services is limited. Pillar 3 focuses on improving educational outcomes and healthcare access in pastoralist communities, with a particular emphasis on marginalized groups such as women and children.

Objectives of Pillar 3:

  • Improve access to quality education for pastoralist children, particularly girls and marginalized groups.
  • Enhance healthcare services for pastoralist communities, focusing on maternal and child health.
  • Build community awareness on health and hygiene practices to reduce the burden of preventable diseases.
  • Promote nutrition programs and hygiene practices to improve the overall health and well-being of pastoralist communities, addressing common challenges such as malnutrition and waterborne diseases.

Key Strategies:

  1. Pastoralist-Friendly Education Models: PAREDI supports the development of education models that are tailored to the unique needs of pastoralist communities. This includes mobile schools, boarding schools, and flexible learning schedules that accommodate the seasonal movements of pastoralist families. PAREDI also advocates for policies that support inclusive education for girls and children with disabilities.
  2. Scholarship Programs: To increase access to education for pastoralist children, PAREDI provides scholarships for students from low-income families. These scholarships cover tuition fees, uniforms, and school supplies, helping to remove financial barriers to education. PAREDI also works with local governments to ensure that pastoralist children have access to quality educational facilities and well-trained teachers.
  3. Community Health Services: PAREDI collaborates with government health services and local clinics to improve access to healthcare in remote pastoralist areas. This includes providing support for mobile health clinics, which deliver services such as immunizations, antenatal care, and treatment for common illnesses. PAREDI also promotes the training of community health workers who can provide basic healthcare services at the community level.
  4. Maternal and Child Health: Given the high rates of maternal and child mortality in pastoralist areas, PAREDI prioritizes initiatives that improve maternal and child health outcomes. This includes promoting safe delivery practices, improving access to antenatal and postnatal care, and supporting nutrition programs for children and pregnant women. By working with local health authorities and community health volunteers, PAREDI helps ensure that mothers and children receive the care they need, even in remote areas.
  5. Health Education and Disease Prevention: Disease outbreaks such as cholera, malaria, and COVID-19 have a disproportionate impact on pastoralist communities due to limited access to healthcare and information. PAREDI promotes community health education programs that focus on hygiene, sanitation, and disease prevention. These programs, delivered through local leaders and community health workers, help improve health outcomes and increase resilience to public health crises.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Increased enrollment and retention of pastoralist children in schools, particularly girls.
  • Improved maternal and child health indicators in pastoralist communities.
  • Greater community awareness of health practices and disease prevention.



Pillar 4: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Climate change poses a significant threat to pastoralist livelihoods, with increasing droughts, unpredictable rainfall, and rising temperatures affecting livestock and natural resources. Pillar 4 focuses on supporting pastoralist communities to adapt to climate change and reduce their vulnerability to climate-related shocks.

Objectives of Pillar 4:

  • Build the capacity of pastoralist communities to adapt to the impacts of climate change.
  • Promote climate-smart agricultural and livestock practices that enhance resilience and that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Support community-led disaster risk reduction and preparedness efforts.
  • Reduce the carbon footprint of pastoralist communities through sustainable resource use.

Key Strategies:

  1. Climate-Resilient Livelihoods: PAREDI works with pastoralist communities to promote climate-smart livelihoods that reduce vulnerability to climate-related shocks. This includes the promotion of drought-tolerant livestock breeds, the diversification of income sources (such as through agroforestry and small-scale irrigation), and the adoption of water-efficient agricultural practices.
  2. Climate Information and Early Warning Systems: Access to timely and accurate climate information is critical for pastoralists to make informed decisions about their livelihoods. PAREDI collaborates with meteorological services and local governments to establish early warning systems that provide communities with information about impending droughts, floods, and other climate-related events. These systems help pastoralists take preventive measures to protect their livestock and resources.
  3. Renewable Energy and Sustainable Resource Use: To reduce the carbon footprint of pastoralist communities, PAREDI promotes the use of renewable energy sources such as solar power for household energy needs. PAREDI also supports sustainable resource management practices, including fuel-efficient cookstoves, which reduce reliance on firewood and mitigate deforestation.
  4. Community-Based Climate Action: PAREDI encourages pastoralist communities to take an active role in climate change mitigation and adaptation through community-based climate action plans. These plans identify local climate risks and outline strategies for reducing vulnerability, such as the establishment of community woodlots, rainwater harvesting systems, and grazing reserves. PAREDI provides technical support and capacity-building to ensure that these plans are effectively implemented.
  5. Advocacy for Climate-Smart Policies: PAREDI engages in advocacy efforts to influence policy at the county and national levels, promoting the integration of climate adaptation and mitigation strategies into government plans and programs. PAREDI also collaborates with other NGOs and development partners to raise awareness of the specific climate challenges facing pastoralist communities and to push for climate finance mechanisms that benefit these communities.


Expected Outcomes:

  • Enhanced capacity of pastoralist communities to cope with the impacts of climate change.
  • Increased adoption of climate-smart practices that improve livelihoods and reduce environmental degradation.
  • Strengthened community resilience to climate-related shocks such as droughts and floods.



Pillar 5: Research, Knowledge Management, and Institutional Strengthening

To ensure that its programs are evidence-based and effective, PAREDI places a strong emphasis on research, knowledge management, and institutional strengthening. Pillar 5 supports the generation and dissemination of knowledge to improve program outcomes, strengthen community institutions, and influence policy.


Objectives of Pillar 5:

  • Promote evidence-based programming through research and data collection.
  • Strengthen the capacity of community institutions to lead development initiatives.
  • Foster learning and knowledge-sharing among pastoralist communities, government agencies, and development partners.


Key Strategies:

  1. Applied Research and Data Collection: PAREDI conducts research on key issues affecting pastoralist resilience, including rangeland management, biodiversity conservation, climate adaptation, and market systems. This research is used to inform program design and implementation, ensuring that interventions are responsive to the needs of pastoralist communities. PAREDI also collaborates with academic institutions and research organizations to generate and share data on pastoralist development.
  2. Knowledge Management and Learning: PAREDI emphasizes the importance of learning from both successes and challenges in its programs. The organization has established a knowledge management system that captures lessons learned, best practices, and innovative approaches from its projects. These insights are shared with staff, partners, and communities to improve program quality and impact. PAREDI also facilitates learning exchanges between pastoralist communities to promote peer-to-peer learning.
  3. Capacity Building for Local Institutions: Strong local institutions are essential for sustaining development gains in pastoralist areas. PAREDI works to strengthen the capacity of community-based organizations, traditional leaders, and local government institutions to manage development initiatives. This includes training in governance, financial management, conflict resolution, and project planning. By building the capacity of local institutions, PAREDI ensures that communities are empowered to lead their own development.
  4. Policy Advocacy and Engagement: PAREDI engages in advocacy at the county and national levels to influence policies that affect pastoralist communities. This includes advocating for policies that promote sustainable rangeland management, climate adaptation, and equitable access to education and healthcare. PAREDI also works with government agencies to improve coordination and collaboration on issues affecting pastoralist communities.
  5. Partnerships and Collaboration: Recognizing the importance of collaboration, PAREDI actively seeks partnerships with other NGOs, government agencies, and development partners. These partnerships help to amplify the impact of PAREDI’s programs and facilitate the sharing of knowledge and resources. PAREDI also participates in regional and national networks focused on pastoralist development, contributing to broader policy and program discussions.


Expected Outcomes:

  • Increased use of evidence-based approaches in pastoralist resilience programs.
  • Strengthened capacity of community institutions to lead development initiatives.
  • Improved knowledge-sharing and collaboration among pastoralist communities, government, and development partners.